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Succede solo a Bologna APS
Succede solo a Bologna APS | Dil mo te en
Associazione Succede solo a Bologna - Via Nazario Sauro 26 Bologna 0512840436 -
Associazione Succede solo a Bologna Visite Guidate Eventi

Learn to read and write Bolognese with us


Why learn the Bolognese dialect?

Because the dialect represents the facts, places, events, history, and traditions of the Bolognese people. The importance of the dialect lies in the fact that it is a central part of everyday life, representing a diversity of historical roots, cultures, and human experiences that must never be forgotten.

In 2021, our association created an online Bolognese dialect workshop to share the correct way to read and write in our beloved city’s dialect. Starting this year, the course will be divided into two modules and will be carried out entirely in person at Teatro Mazzacorati 1763

The course is taught by Professor Roberto Serra


All lessons will take place in person

Each lesson lasts one hour

6 lessons in each module